Saturday, April 28, 2012

Portfolio P.G 1


LSS 3205 Ms.PatriciaBurnett
                                                    Introduction to Diversity

With a partner, research on the internet to find the following information include your sources.

UAE Demographics:

Ethnic Groups
7.5 million
Arabian business
U.S Department
European & African
U.S Department

Hindu- Buddhist)

1. Write a definition of cultural diversity in your own words.

· The way how people live and how can sharing ides in other way

2. Give examples of cultural diversity in Abu Dhabi (Places of worship, organizations, etc.)

· The change of the level of class

·More the one religion

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Portfolio p.g.1

LO1.Class differnces

LSS 2053                                                                       

Class Differences

In a small group use the internet to help you answer the questions, then discuss your answers with the class.
Describe in your own words “the culture of affluence”, “the culture of poverty”.
There are 3 classes that describes the culture of affluence; lower, middle and upper class

Define “social stratification”.
Classes of the people in different countries and societies

Describe India’s caste system as an example of social stratification.
Jows are formers, trades and bankers 

In your opinion, what classes of people exist in the Emirates?  How are they characterized?
 I think that in the UAE most of the people are in the middle class and some of them are in the upper class and a few of them are in the low class.

Culture of Poverty

With a partner, go to: Play the game.

What challenges did you face?
Family sickness, clicker diseases
What choices did you have?
Giving then medic
What temptations did you encounter?
 If it were your real family instead of a computer game, would you have
Chosen differently?
Of course
What did you learn about third world life?
How to manage your life with your family and business. 

Portfolio p.g.2

LO1.Multiculturalism Blindsight


LSS 2053                      Multiculturalism                      “Blindsight”

Watch the video and answer the following:
What types of cultural diversity are present in the movie?
Nationality, ethnicity, disabilities and abilities, affluence, poverty
What are some of the challenges people in the movie encounter?
Disabilities, shame, coordination, altitude, climing challenges, sickness
What are some examples of stereotyping, prejudice, bias and/or discrimination in the video?

  They say blind people are possessed by demons because they have done a shame work in their past.

What benefits are there for the people in the movie as a result of their differing cultures?

Knowing other people cultures

Portfolio p.g.3

LSS 3205 Ms.PatriciaBurnett

Course: Cultural Diversity Code: 

With a partner, please answer the following. You may use internet resources to help you.

1. Define:

a. Stereotyping:

group of people judgment each other .

b. Prejudice:

That keep Handle the pressure of other and tray to fixed , Judgment something before now it

c. Bias:

Is person have something and don’t shows others what he like to not make problem .

d. Discrimination:

Tow of different groups and they are Separations between the two groups and distinguish between them. ,

2. Give an example of each.

Emirates are lazy in work

One's prejudices reveals a great deal about a person

Each team member must be willing to look at a situation objectively andlet go of resentment and bias.

In US before they are have discrimination between white and black people .

Watch Class Divided

With partners, answer the following:

1. Where, when and with whom did this experiment take place?

In third school in US, with student and teacher

2. Describe the experiment.

“Before the experiment the teacher star ask student about black people and the Indian and they answer they must but them in
prison and must judge them depend them by skin color. After that the teacher separate by two groups ….

3. What were the results?
“The results were the dividing of the class into two groups, those who once called each other friends were now enemies just because the sole purpose of them having different eye color”

4. How successful do you believe it was?

“I believe it was very successful since it taught the class not to discriminate, and most importantly it showed them how it felt to be discriminated against.”

Going Deeper

In groups of four, discuss the following:

Ø a time she or he experienced prejudice or discrimination

Ø a time she or he discriminated against somebody else

Ø a time she or he witnessed discrimination and did nothing about it

Ø a time she or he witnessed discrimination and did something about it

Portfolio p.g.4


LSS 2503

Chapter 5 Understanding Cultural Diversity

The challenges and benefits of diversity

Challenges include gender, age, ideology, national origin, and sexual orientation. Some people discriminate against others who are different from themselves. Discrimination happens when an action or decision is based on a prejudice against an individual or group because of race, class, sexual orientation, age and disabilities amongst others. It usually happens when a dominant group confront a member or members from a minority group. Examples include:

Dominant white against black

Dominant males against females

Dominant rich against the poor

Dominant young against the old (and vice versa)

Many of the challenges of diversity stem from ‘isms’: racism, sexism, ageism, ableism and classism.


This occurs when a member or members of a dominant group discriminate against another group based on the colour of the skin. This was practised under the apartheid regime in South Africa where people were excluded from many areas (where they lived, who they married, what jobs they had, how they were educated amongst others) based solely on the colour of their skin.


Class refers to social rank in terms of income, wealth, status and power. This means that different values are placed on people based not on personality but on their social and economic value


This refers to treating men and women in different ways based on their gender. The dominant group (usually males) has the power and can lead to prejudice and bias against the less dominant group.


Ageism refers to people being discriminated against because of their age rather that their ability and often takes place in the job market.


This is related to discrimination against people with a disability. Disabilities are limitations that can interrupt everyday activities in work or social life. If the environment does not have the facilities to accommodate disabled people (such as a ramp) then the disability becomes a handicap.

Benefits of diversity

The most recognised benefits of diversity are

Working with people from other cultures can help our creativity. If we work with people from different ethnic groups we will benefit from their input resulting from their different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives and ideas.


When a group of people from different cultures and backgrounds are working together a collection of ideas can lead to innovations.


Once we acknowledge and respect our differences the possibilities for connecting and cooperating become wider. In a friendly atmosphere similarities become more important than differences and individuals can connect to each other using positive attitudes.


Synergy is the extra energy and effectiveness that is achieved when people and organisations create a spirit of shared understanding and openness so that they can cooperate and combine their efforts.

These benefits develop when people from different cultural backgrounds work or live together. This can be in industry, education, the market place and local communities.

Portfolio p.g.5


Cultural Diversity 2053 LO3

With a partner, review the ppt. on the website and fill in the missing words.

Portfolio p.g.6


Course:      Cultural Diversity                                  Code:  LSSS N2053

With a partner, watch the video & match it to the following corresponding category:

Neutral                Individualism                 Collectivism        Achievement        Ascription                      Affective                        Polychronic                   Monochronic                 High-context 

Low-context        Past-oriented                  

Future-oriented             Culture shock   

URL Link
Culture shock   

Portfolio p.g.7


Course:      Cultural Diversity                                  Code:  LSSS N2053
With a partner, research the internet to find the missing categories. Write the meaning of the quote in your own words from your own ideas:

Cultural Views

A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.
A wealthy and powerful person who is doing right things sooner they lose both. 
Martin Luther King, Jr.
All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality.

That people ban together and they can’t be separately
Sheik Zayed
A nation without a past is a nation without a present or a future. Thanks to God, our nation has a flourishing civilization, deep-rooted in this land for many centuries. These roots will always flourish and bloom in the glorious present of our nation and in its anticipated future
Any country that doesn’t value its past, can’t appreciate its present or future. This country, thanks to God, has a rich past, does well for now and its expected future.
Amin Maalouf
Every individual is a meeting ground for many different allegiances, and sometimes these loyalties conflict with one another and confront the person who harbors them with difficult choices.
It is difficult to make choice
Mohandas Gandhi
A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and souls of its people.
The culture of nation comes from the hearts and souls of its people.
Traditions deserve to be respected only insofar as they are respectable – that is, exactly insofar as they themselves respect the fundamental rights of men and women.
People should respect the traditional things
ML King Jr.
God is not merely interested in the freedom of brown men, yellow men, red men and black men. He is interested in the freedom of the whole human race.
God doesn’t care about skin color. God cares about freedom for everyone.
My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.
We all people support to help each other
Frank Borman
When you're finally up on the moon, looking back at the earth, all these differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend and you're going to get a concept that maybe this is really one world and why the hell can't we learn to live together like decent people
Looking at the earth from space, one wonders why we can’t get along decently.
The love of one’s country is a splendid thing, but why should it stop at the border?
Love of country should be for your family neighborhood every things on it shouldn’t  stop
DD. Eisenhower

The world must learn to work together, or finally it will not work at all.
If people of the world can’t get along, nothing will work.
Sheikh Zayed
Many countries go to war and then towards reconciliation. The history of mankind is full of stories of wars between people and states that have come together after fighting for long. Why can't Arabs be like them?
We all must be on one hand
Martin Luther King
He’s wants for next generation Judgment by what’s inside not by what’s outside.
Amin Maalouf
For it is often the way we look at other people that imprisons them within their own narrowest allegiances. And it is also the way we look at them that may set them free.

Look at the good side of people