Monday, February 27, 2012

Reflective Writing2

Reflective Writing2

Watch the video and answer the questions. (200-250words)

1.   What was the point Martin Luther King Jr. was making?

He hope to all black people be free and live there owe life and be together

2.       What was the context of the time?

It was long time ago 60s or 40s when African were slaves

3.       What is the relevance of this topic to today?                             

Nowadays the government sends people to jail for racism




Martin Luther King is asking for racial equality, racial equality is to stop the racism that is scattered all around the world and be in one hand, he wanted freedom, he didn’t want slavery or white people hating black people in fact his dreams is that people all be together and equal. It was when the black people where oppressed in United State Of America, because of the countenance of racism towards them. In that day they decided that they have to step up and talk, and take their rites. In my opinion there is some relevance with this topic today, there is still some inequality in some places around the world, and today people want to be free while they are not, stronger people or countries are the people who have better lives and freedom. I think it has realized but yet there are people that still hate black people but in general most people are equal now. I think Marten Luther King dreams have been realized because,black people now have everything that white people have, and some times more.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Reflective Writing 1

Reflective Writing 1

Watch the video and answer the questions. (200-250words)
1.       What were the relations between other cultures and the people of the emirates region like during this film?
2.       How have relations with other cultures changed?
3.       How do you see cultural changing in the future?

1)The relation that both the emirates religion and the other cultures that the emirates was popular for their braveness and courage, and even the emirates people was popular for their hospitality and their generosity in their hospitality and the sharjah airport was established to make an easy connection between other countries, and some visitors used alsharjah international airport as a resting site, because that day airplanes needed to have a check at the engine and to check there is enough patrol, and sometimes to avoid storms or bad weather, and the traders uses the alsharjah port as a main place to trade and sell goods. But the sharjah still remains a strategic location for traders.

2) our relations with other countries changed by time, we had relations with some countries in the past by the way of trading, for example we used to trade with kingdom of Saudi by jewelry and pearls, and we used to go to India to bring to our country servants and assistants to farm vegetables and grass to feed our animals.

3) Cultures had changed by time and it will still be changing, every culture even if they were poor or rich it doesn’t matter it will still change no matter what happens, example of a culture that changes is the emirates .the Emirate people used to farm them self without any help from servants but by the time the Emirate people started to get assistants and servants to farm.